social media data

A Mobility Model for Synthetic Travel Demand From Sparse Traces

This study presents a model of synthesising individual mobility data from very sparse movement traces.

Understanding Mobility and Transport Modal Disparities Using Emerging Data Sources: Modelling Potentials and Limitations

Doctoral thesis.

Feasibility of estimating travel demand using geolocations of social media data

This study systematically explores the feasibility of using geolocations of Twitter data for travel demand estimation by examining the effects of data sparsity, spatial scale, sampling methods, and sample size.

Understanding Human Mobility with Emerging Data Sources: Validation, spatiotemporal patterns, and transport modal disparity

Licentiate thesis.

Disparities in travel times between car and transit: Spatiotemporal patterns in cities

A data fusion framework including real-time traffic data, transit data, and travel demand estimated using Twitter data to compare the travel time by car and PT in four cities at high spatial and temporal resolutions.

Sustainable cities

The use of large amounts of data to understand and handle movement patterns and congestion